Why Co-creation is essential for successful cloud migrations

Main visual : Why Co-creation is essential for successful cloud migrations

Digital transformation has humans – not technology – at its core. By working with the right partner to involve everyone in the organization, you can create a bespoke plan for the future.

Disruption across sectors

Over the past few years, businesses have faced an unprecedented rate of disruption. Traditional sectors such as banking, insurance, real estate and retail have seen an influx of startups playing by their own rules, and public sector organizations have had to rise to meet customer expectations and provide online services. Empowered by digital technology, leaders are now able to find and address customer needs faster than could have ever previously been imagined.

In 2018, the World Bank predicted that if this pace of change continued, 30% of global business revenue – some $60 trillion – would be redistributed to new players by 2025. To compete, business leaders have been left to search for a transformational springboard that can build agility and resilience into their organizations, to modernize and evolve applications, and to find opportunities to disrupt the market themselves.

Cloud migrations with an ecosystem of partners

That’s why the most effective cloud migrations involve an experienced ecosystem of partners, who can break the task down into manageable steps, and create a roadmap for the future. This is a conversation that goes beyond technology and needs to involve every department of an  organization. Co-creation is a brilliant way to do that – bringing the people impacted together with those responsible for making decisions, and capturing the diversity of those voices and opinions as part of the process.

Transformation has to be led by business objectives, which technology can then support, rather than the other way around. You need to ask tough questions of the business: what are you really looking to achieve? What are your requirements? Where do you think you’re going? From that point, we can work together to identify what the appropriate technologies are, and the small but impactful steps we can take today and what might come later.

Cloud migration done this way can deliver results quickly, deal with shadow IT and legacy systems, and ensure the business ecosystem is not disrupted during the process. The team feels valued, and can help identify priorities that may otherwise have been overlooked. Rather than just automating any process that’s high volume, high frequency, for example, this analysis might reveal that the organization’s biggest need is achieving oversight of a core business process.

Co-creation to accelerate cloud adoption

Fujitsu’s Cloud Co-creation Program helps customers accelerate cloud adoption by connecting them with Fujitsu specialists and its ecosystem of experienced partners. Teams meet in a collaborative and safe virtual environment, with the time and space to approach challenges and cloud-enabled opportunities with an open mind. Our experts use a proven framework of design thinking to bring the right mix of people together and facilitate events fueled by inspiration and innovation. It’s where proofs of concept are turned into proofs of business.

It’s impossible to predict the future. But by using Co-creation to build agility, resilience and innovation into your core, you’ll be ready to respond to anything the world throws at you.

Find out more about co-creation with Fujitsu >

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