Managing your cloud ecosystem is the key to resilience

Fujitsu / September 30, 2022

Resilience isn’t something that just happens – it has to be created and managed, especially in the context of cloud environments. Fujitsu’s Business Development Manager Hybrid IT Managed Services Daniel Schneider muses on what that means and how you can achieve it.

In an Uncertain World Resilience Is a Priority

This may sound obvious but – the cloud doesn’t just happen, and it doesn’t just work on its own. It’s got to be built to suit your specific needs, and it must be managed in real-time as well as with an eye on your future requirements. And it’s got to be secure. We see the ‘cloud ecosystem’ as a fluid collection of technologies and services. It’s not a singular thing. It’s something that exists inside and outside and around your organization and its people.

I believe it’s important to be precise with key words and concepts when we’re discussing and planning cloud resource provisioning. Cloud ecosystems have an enormous variety of options and possibilities. Even more so when we see multi-cloud environments, clouds from various vendors deployed and utilized simultaneously. This might get inherently complex. And it’s that complexity that can undermine your resilience. When there are many surfaces and facets which can be attacked or might fail, either collectively or individually, then your operations and service levels can be swiftly undermined. That’s why resilience and security are always high on the agenda when we talk about cloud.

The problem is that, very often, ‘resilience’ is used as a buzzword instead of a core principle. It’s important to understand its true definition. It’s about achieving the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties while maintaining excellent standards of user support and customer engagement. Simply, it’s about how tough your organization can be in the face of uncertainty and external threats.

But resilience doesn’t come as standard. Of course, each technology and service will be designed to be secure and the companies which build and support them will be working hard to achieve high levels of security. That’s not the point. What really matters is how they work together. How they are orchestrated and how they are managed.

Excellent Cloud Management Can Make All the Difference

Management is the key word. There’s no such thing as 100% resilience or security. Where there are humans there will be lack of information, error or carelessness or malicious intent. Add the growing external threats from cyber criminals as well as outages caused by natural events, and you’ve got a long list of potential problems. Coping with planning for them all is a huge undertaking. Most organizations don’t have the people or the resources to do it all. That means they’re hesitant to make the most of the potential of multi-cloud technologies. That’s why an external partner is so important in the era of cloud.

Trust is fundamental. You have to trust your technologies and trust the people who use and support them. Partnership, co-creation, and constant cooperation are the cornerstones of Fujitsu’s interaction with customers. It’s the answer to that complexity conundrum I have mentioned earlier; if you can only achieve resilience through constant and detailed management but don’t have the people or skills to achieve it, then how can you work with confidence? Worrying about outages, updates, patches, and cybersecurity while trying to leverage the power of cloud slows you down. You can’t drive your business and innovate in fast moving markets because you’re always looking over your shoulder rather than focusing on your business objectives.

Working with people who manage your multi-cloud frees you from those onerous tasks. You can achieve high levels of resilience without compromising on agility. Resilience and agility go together but need to be balanced. Too much focus on agility opens you up to threats. Trying to achieve 100% resilience closes you off from innovation. Experienced and responsive services from a partner like Fujitsu enables you to hit the sweet spot between the two. And that’s achieved by making the most of the expertise which resides within Fujitsu’s Cloud Management Service. It’s a judicious mix of automated tools, and deep experience in managing evolving approaches in ever changing landscape.

The point is trust. If you can trust your multi-cloud and the experts who manage it (whose sole job it is) then you can focus on making the most of the agility that multi-cloud delivers. That’s why cloud management is so important. We make sure that your cloud infrastructure is working smoothly, while you drive your business forward.

Learn why digital infrastructure is key to a connected society

Hybrid IT

Fujitsu introduced a key focus area called ‘Hybrid IT’ as a part of its business brand, Fujitsu Uvance.
We will realize a connected society that connects people, data, and things in the world safely, solves social problems, and creates new value.

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Daniel Schneider
Fujitsu Business Development Manager Hybrid IT Managed Services
Daniel has more than 10 years of experience in cloud sales, consultancy and business development roles at Fujitsu. He focuses on engaging with sales teams and their customers globally to support them on their journey to adopt multi-cloud and hybrid cloud infrastructure services.

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